A long time ago in a mythology far, far away . . . warriors drank from the skulls of their enemies, toasting their victories and honoring their fallen. Maybe they actually gained the strength of their enemies, or maybe the communal drinking simply brought them together and made them stronger as a unit. Either way, it was fucking cool. New Ancients Brewing urges you to gather with the people you care about, raise one of our battle tested beers to the heavens, and cry out a toast to each other and your victories. Skol!
Sean and Jay started home brewing beer with a goal of bringing new blood to the classic beer styles that they love. Hundreds of gallons later, it was time to bring their beer to the world. New Ancients beer is now available on tap at The Hive Taphouse, as well as several other local locations. Feel free to reach out and suggest the next beer you’d like to see them brew: